

Mindful Architect™

樹洞原創:靜觀 X 3D 打印 X 團隊建立活動。除了讓團隊在繁忙的工作下放鬆身心,利用靜觀照顧情緒和應對壓力外,亦進一步將靜觀融合團隊溝通中,務求真實了解團隊成員的需要,用 3D 筆為身邊的成員送上一份窩心小禮物。

  • 利用靜觀學習妥善照顧情緒,令團隊能共同面對更多挑戰
  • 運用 3D 筆創作和遊戲,體驗活在當下、全程投入的初心
  • 透過靜觀溝通了解同事長處,並用 3D 筆為對方送上窩心小禮物,促進團隊關係


3D 筆體驗:心流與初心

參加者會拿起陌生的 3D 打印筆,分組完成小任務。通常,嘗試新事物時我們都會感到新鮮感, 甚至投入到不經覺時間流逝,進入心理學中的心流(Flow)狀態。藉着這項活動,我們要探問的是如何在日常的生活與工作中找到這份初心?

靜觀呼吸 & 溝通:如何洞悉自己與他人的內心需要

靜觀(Mindfulness)講求全程投入,以好奇與未知的心感受生活中的小細節。 參加者會學習以呼吸靜觀管理壓力; 並進一步運用靜觀溝通與心理學家常用的溝通技巧了解自己和同事的需要, 促進同事關係,亦為製作禮物環節鋪墊基礎。

3D 打印筆禮物創作

團隊成員會互相進行訪問,並按照對方的喜好、強項與需要為對方製作獨一無二的小禮物。同事能夠 把小禮物帶走,而這項窩心的創作將提醒同事發揮自己的強項, 並且在生活、工作上的小事找到幸福感。

Our Engagements

As featured on

Our clients

Trustable L&D partner, knowing how to foster growth & resilience in corporate culture.

Our DSG Learning Society finds Peter Chan’s sharing on growth mindset an inspirational one. What makes him stand out as a trainer is that the examples he shares are very relatable to both personal & professional life. He has a good sense of humour too. All these add up making him a trustable L&D partner, knowing how to foster growth & resilience in corporate culture

Joanna Wong

Head of Human Resources &

Real Estate

DSG Energy Limited

"Numerous reflection point which promoted attendees to think deeper."

Our team had the opportunity to attend a workshop on skills for handling clients. Peter has demonstrated himself as a dedicated trainer and consultant with great understand of client needs and had in-depth preparation. His workshop was highly interactive and inspiring, with numerous reflection point which promoted attendees to think deeper. Our team thoroughly enjoyed Peter's workshop.

Christopher Yip

Head, MBA Career & Alumni Development
HKUST Business School (MBA)

"The training session is simply captivating... offer applicable advises based on a psychological approach."

Very skilled at understanding what are client’s training needs and the training session is simply captivating. What’s more, he always keep in mind what behaviours and mindsets need to be changed for the audience and offer applicable advises based on a psychological approach.

Kenneth Lee

Supervisor (Innovation and Creativity)

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG)



